Drop-in classes, meetups and regular services
EventAgent.ai is a next-gen comprehensive online-native management platform for drop-in classes, meetups and church services. It combines deep integration with Zoom meetings and AI-driven marketing to attract new members and keep them coming back. When you’re ready to return to your in-person classes, EventAgent.ai enables a seamless transition from online to hybrid online/in-person to fully in-person classes and services.
Drop-in classes can be hard to manage. You often need to check people in and collect payment which creates a bottleneck at the door. If someone arrives late, the teacher needs to attend to them or risk missing their payment. We feel your pain, and we don’t mean the good kind like you get at your spin class 🙂
EventAgent.ai fully automates the check-in process. People just arrive, hop on their spin bike, roll out their yoga mat or take their seat and start.
The Zoom Experience
Classes and services are going online. We built our Zoom integration from ground up to leverage our deep experience in drop-in wellness classes combined with the real-world pain points teachers and church leaders are experiencing online. Our goal is to make the technology invisible, so you can focus on your students or congregation. Here are some highlights.
When you connect Zoom to your E.ai account, you will no longer create and manage meetings at zoom.us with its clunky, outdated UI. E.ai will create a classroom for each of your Zoom hosts. You will schedule classes for the Zoom classroom just as you would for a physical one on your website. You do not need to give your zoom password to any of your hosts.

Every Zoom room gets its own scheduling calendar. Zoom allows you to double-book meetings which results in sudden termination of in-progress meetings. The E.ai scheduling calendar detects and highlights conflicts while maximizing sharing between classes.
The scheduling experience is simple drag-and-drop and fully responsive. It allows you to create complex repeating patterns not supported by Zoom.

Many drop-in classes operate on a pay-per-visit model. E.ai allows an attendee to subscribe to a drop-in event, make a pledge or choose a price level and leave you a credit card on file. They’ll receive a reminder before each session of the class or service.
When they join your Zoom meeting, E.ai will detect their attendance and charge the credit card on file. Seamless and invisible payment.

Online, your students can come from anywhere. When they visit your website, they will see start times in their own time zone.
In this calendar view, there are some online events that are showing the Your Time notice. The events without Your Time are events at physical venues. E.ai seamlessly handles both in the same calendar.

Meetup groups are all about building community and a positive experience to keep people coming back.
E.ai alerts you to first-time attendees, so you can give them special attention. It also sends them a customized email after their first visit. Use it to ask them about their first experience or offer next steps.

Attendees want to know your group is popular, but RSVPs do not guarantee that people came, and public RSVPs violate your privacy. E.ai lists the attendance of your last meeting on the event page. Don’t worry, if you have low attendance the number will not show.

Keeping your community safe is your top priority. E.ai gives you complete control over moderating your meetings. Place people in a temporary hold while you discuss their behavior or ban them outright. Because join links expire after every meeting and cannot be shared, a banned individual has no way of entering a Zoom meeting unauthorized by you.
For in-person meetings, they will be stopped at the door if they try to scan a banned entry code.

People can’t get into your Zoom meeting. You can’t start it. It suddenly ended. Sounds familiar? Zoom meetings are unreliable. We usually give up, create a new meeting then frantically try to get the new link to our attendees.
E.ai provides a Zoom panic button. If anything goes wrong, one click creates a new meeting, emails private links to all your attendees and deletes the old one. You’re back online in minutes.

E.ai generates a unique Zoom link for each of your registered attendees. These links cannot be shared and they expire as soon as the session is over, which ensures only registered attendees can join your meetings. Other systems include a public link in a registration which an attendee can simply forward to anyone else to let them in.
E.ai makes your meetings completely private, safe and secure. No one enters without paying.

E.ai sends Zoom links 30 minutes before the session starts. This way, your attendees always have the right link at the right time. They can also retrieve their link on the event page.
The self-service link retrieval system verifies the attendee has a valid registration, generates a non-shareable link and sends it to the email address in the registration.
Self-service link retrieval is completely safe and secure.

Each of us expresses our gender uniquely, and it is becoming standard practice to include third-person pronouns in your Zoom display name to help people address you appropriately. With E.ai, you optionally register your pronouns once and they always appear beside your name in Zoom calls. Your display name always matches the name on your registration.

E.ai detects when your students join your Zoom meeting and takes attendance for you. It even records the time the student was in class. For a drop-in class, it tracks accumulated time over all visits. The downloaded report lets you identify your most valuable customers.

We know that a best-in-class online experience is just one piece of your puzzle. You have existing lead management, CRM and email marketing systems.
E.ai supports Zapier, which provides integration with over 2000 apps. To find out if we fit into your ecosystem, search for your application at Zapier.
For integration with custom applications, E.ai provides an open API, too.

One-time visitors to loyal customers
Our goal is to help visitors find your classes and services, come once and keep coming back. We reach new customers with automated social media posts, help them find the right class with a clear calendar view and filters, and help you turn one-time visitors into loyal customers with promotions and email contact built-in. Here are a few more features our customers always mention when asked how E.ai has transformed their business.
You can view our complete feature list here. To see it in action, find our demo here.