Harnessing the Science of Behavior
EventAgent.ai automated marketing is based on established human behavior science to maximize your registrations and revenue.
How do we make choices?
Social Scientists have long studied this question, and their conclusions often go against our intuition. We like to believe we make studied, rational choices. We like to believe the more options we have to choose from, the better. As it turns out, our cultural and neurological wiring doesn’t work that way. The established science leads us to the following principles.
Principle #1: Less is more.
We are easily overwhelmed with too many choices. When we have too many to choose from, we tend to react from the overwhelm and withdraw, making no choice at all. We call this option paralysis.
Numerous studies conducted across many fields agree: the optimal number of choices that results in the highest rate of purchase is between four and six. Any more choices and we lose our ability to distinguish differences and start to forget some of the options. Any less and we run the risk of not providing enough variety, losing sales we could have gained.
The optimal number of choices that results in the highest rate of purchase is between four and six.
EventAgent.ai provides two widgets that are designed to display a small group of attractive and prominent events. The first is the carousel widget you can see on our demo home page here. The other is the promo widget you’ll find on a speaker’s landing page here. You can also insert these same ads into your newsletter.
Principle #2: Choices must be relevant
The small group of choices must be unique and relevant to the chooser. The AI of the internet is about ranking content by relevance. Google indexes the world of information to provide you ten choices. Instagram shows you images relevant to you.
Based on a 10 year dataset of over 50,000 registrations, we have extracted 11 meaningful metrics to track relevance to you and your customers.
The heart of EventAgent.ai marketing is our relevance ranking. Based on a 10 year dataset of over 50,000 registrations, we have extracted 11 meaningful metrics to track relevance. We run a fresh ranking every day based on micro (what happened yesterday) and macro (your history of similar events) trends. We distribute rankings over event types, so we can present broad and highly ranked choices.
Ranking is not just about your customer. Our metrics track relevance to your business, as well. Your customer may be looking for a free drop-in yoga group, but you also offer paid workshops and retreats. EventAgent.ai balances relevance to maximize customer engagement, registrations and revenue.
Principle #3: Drips, not floods
Email and social media campaigns are also highly susceptible to overwhelm. Customers must receive relevant and noticeable posts. Too many and they become noise. Irrelevant and they learn to ignore them. The key is to target just the right event at the optimal time.
EventAgent.ai creates a social media drip stream that schedules highly relevant posts no more than once a day. Most importantly, it uses predictive algorithms to determine if your event will fill and only posts events that need it.
For email campaigns, EventAgent.ai offers daily advice on which events to promote, based on registration and revenue projections. You can generate a newsletter from your template with the ads inserted, then modify it with your current content.
EventAgent.ai uses predictive algorithms to determine if your event will fill and only posts events to social media that need it.
Principle #4: It’s now or never
Behavior science tells us what every car sales agent already knows: if they walk off the lot, they’re not coming back. If we are advertising to bring people in, we must time it when they’re ready to buy. We won’t get a second chance.
EventAgent.ai tracks the historical purchasing curve of all of your event types and schedules advertising when customers are ready to buy.
EventAgent.ai tracks the historical purchasing curve of all of your event types. For example, if your weekend workshops historically have peaked their registration rate 2 weeks before start, E.ai will plan and recommend advertising during that week.
Your turn: let’s put behavior science into practice!
Let’s take a real example from our demo website. You are looking for the meditation workshop with Kaydee Baxter. If you have timed your advertising right, most of your visitors will be like this: ready to buy with partial information.
First try to find the workshop here.
That’s our calendar view, which violates our behavior science principles. Too many choices, not organized by relevance and a flood of information. Calendar view is great for a high-level view of your business or to answer specific questions like, “What do you offer on Saturdays?” When searching for events, we should avoid it.
Now try to find it here.
Easier? The Carousel view provides the right number of choices with high diversity and relevance. This test is not rigged. Those events are chosen by AI and we have no control what shows there. We’re guessing you will find it there because the AI has learned that’s an important event to our fictitious business.
EventAgent.ai works for you
This is a high-level introduction to how EventAgent.ai leverages the science of behavior, but you can go deeper. We have a deep-dive into the specifics here.