With boundless gratitude for your practice

I’m Alden, owner of Six Fish, LLC, and I have been working with IMCW for many years. Twenty years ago, I found the path in the midst of a personal crisis, and it helped guide me to safety. Out of a profound gratitude for the gifts I received from practice, I decided to dedicate myself to giving back the two things I had — a technology background and desire for deeper human connection.

You just used the latest version of that platform, recently retooled for our Zoom world. I would deeply appreciate your feedback, your rants, your praise and criticisms. All of it is a gift both to me and future practitioners, teachers and managers.

Finally, my little business is a WordPress plugin, and will live or die based on the reviews of its users. My aspiration is that this platform becomes the web that connects us across many retreats and spiritual paths. Frankly, it’s never made much money, but it’s been my greatest joy.

If you would be willing to offer a review, you can do so here. If you’re having trouble, please let me know and I’ll help.

Most of all, may you be happy, at peace, and with abundant love overflowing from your heart.

Alden, practitioner, geek.