Connecting SendGrid to your site
A free SendGrid account will cover event attendance up to 100 seats/day. Paid accounts will combine marketing emails and automated emails for one low price so you can replace your current email marketing platform with SendGrid for further savings.
You configure SendGrid at
Start with templates
The easiest way to create SendGrid templates is to start with our default templates, then add your own branding. You can download our templates here. The zip file contains all six templates. View the tutorial to learn how to install them.
Working with Segmented lists
Moving your marketing email provider to SendGrid has the benefit of leveraging deep integration that allows you to target very specific marketing segments.
Alternatively, you can start with your own templates, then copy the following snippets into the body of your message, or create completely new ones using the handlebar tokens below. SendGrid has extensive documentation on handlebars notation here.
Handlebar tokens
This is the list of tokens supported for your email templates.
Token | Meaning |
{{FirstName}} | First name of attendee |
{{LastName}} | Last name of attendee |
{{Organization}} | Your organization name |
{{EventName}} | The name of this event |
{{StartDate}} | The date when the event starts |
{{StartTime}} | The time of day when the event starts |
{{EventSummary}} | The event summary |
{{EventImageUrl}} | The URL to the AI-chosen event image |
{{EventDetailUrl}} | The URL to the event detail page |
{{VenueName}} | The name of the venue |
{{Address1}} | Address of venue |
{{Address2}} | 2nd line of address, if needed |
{{City}} | City of venue |
{{State}} | State of venue |
{{PostCode}} | Postal code of venue |
{{Directions}} | Arrival instructions for venue |
{{RegistrarName}} | Name of the registrar |
{{BookingDate}} | Date of booking |
{{PaymentStatus}} | The payment status of this registration |
{{RegistrationStatus}} | The registration status of this registration |
{{Discount}} | Discount given on registration |
{{Paid}} | The amount paid on registration |
{{BalanceDue}} | The balance due on this registration |
{{Subtotal}} | Cost of registration before tax and discount |
{{Tax}} | The tax on this registration |
{{{Notification}}} | Message sent from registrar(note triple handlebars) |
{{RegistrationCode}} | Code for unique link to view registration |
{{{subject}}} | Subject of email (note lower case and triple handlebars) |
{{BookingMessage}} | The event message for the registration |
{{{PartingWords}}} | The email sent after the event ends (note triple handlebars) |
{{JoinUrl}} | Meeting URL for online events |
{{CheckInUrl}} | The URL to the QR code check-in page |
{{{EmailAttendee}}} | The email sent to attendees from the Email Attendees page (note triple handlebars) |
{{IsOngoing}} | True if the event is drop-in without an end date. |
{{IsOnline}} | True if the event is online. |
{{IsModerated}} | True if the registration is moderated. |
{{FirstTimeFree}} | True if the first session is free. |
To create links in SendGrid, you select text and click the link icon. To use Handlebars tokens as links, use the custom link type.
Sample templates
These are samples of the six required templates. You can add them to the body section of your own templates.
Subject for all templates
Link to a registration for all templates
Parting Words Template
Dear {{FirstName}},
Event Reminder Template
Dear {{FirstName}},
{{#if IsOnline}}
{{#unless IsOngoing}}We'll be underway at {{StartTime}}.
{{/unless}} Before we begin, please test your audio and video.
The join link is here [link to {{JoinUrl}}].
{{EventName}} starts {{StartDate}}. We'll be underway at {{StartTime}}.
While you're getting ready, here are some arrival instructions to help you find your way.
{{#if VenueName }}{{VenueName}}{{/if}}
{{#if Address1 }}{{Address1}}{{/if}}
{{#if Address2 }}{{Address2}}{{/if}}
{{#if City}}{{City}}{{/if}}
{{#if State}}{{State}}{{/if}}
{{#if PostCode }}{{PostCode}}{{/if}}
{{#if Directions }}{{{Directions}}}{{/if}}
To check in, please display the QR code on your phone from your registration here. We'll scan it at the door.
If you have any questions, simply reply to this email to reach the registrar.
{{#if IsOngoing}}
To unsubscribe to these reminders, click here [link to {{RegistrationUrl}}/cancel].
See you soon!
Registration Updated Template
Dear {{FirstName}},
Event: {{EventName}}
Payment Status: {{PaymentStatus}}
Registration Status: {{RegistrationStatus}}
{{#if BalanceDue}}
You have a balance due of {{BalanceDue}}. You can pay it here [Link to {{RegistrationUrl}}].
You can view your full up-to-date registration here [Link to {{RegistrationUrl}}].
To reach your registrar {{RegistrarName}}, simply reply to this message.
Registration Confirmation Template
Dear {{FirstName}},
Thank you for your {{#if IsOngoing}}subscription{{else}} registration{{/if}} to {{EventName}}.{{#unless IsOngoing}} Your place has been reserved.{{/unless}} If you need to contact us, just reply to this email to reach the registrar.
{{#if IsOngoing}}{{#if TierName}}
You have subscribed to {{EventName}} at the {{TierName}} level. You will be charged {{BalanceDue}} each time you attend.{{#if FirstTimeFree}} Your first visit will be free of charge.{{/if}} {{/if}}{{/if}}
{{#if IsOnline}}
Your Zoom join link will arrive shortly before the event starts.{{/if}}
{{#if IsModerated}}
Your registration application is currently in review. We'll get back to you with an update, soon.{{/if}}
You can view your full up-to-date registration here [link to {{RegistrationUrl}}].
{{#if BookingMessage}}
Event: {{EventName}}
{{#unless IsOngoing}} Payment Status: {{PaymentStatus}}{{/unless}}
Registration Status: {{RegistrationStatus}}
{{#if Paid}}{{#unless IsOngoing}}Paid: {{Paid}}{{/unless}}{{/if}}
{{#if BalanceDue}}{{#unless IsOngoing}}
You have a balance of {{BalanceDue}}. You can pay it here [link to {{RegistrationUrl}}].
Kind regards,
Waitlist Template
Dear {{FirstName}},
Thank you for your interest in {{EventName}}. You have been placed on our waitlist. If a position comes available, we'll be in touch. If you need to contact us, just reply to this email to reach the registrar.
You can view your full up-to-date registration here [Link to {{RegistrationUrl}}].
Event: {{EventName}}
Payment Status: {{PaymentStatus}}
Registration Status: {{RegistrationStatus}}
Kind regards,
Email Attendees Template
Dear {{FirstName}},
{{#if BalanceDue}}
You have a balance of {{BalanceDue}}. You can pay it here [Link to {{RegistrationUrl}}].